Information on the processing of personal data (Article 13 EU Regulation 2016/679) collected by the Municipality of Genoa, Marketing Department of the Economy for the contact form of the website


We hereby inform that the “Data Controller” is: MAYOR OF GENOA. Legal representative: MUNICIPALITY OF GENOA situated in via GARIBALDI no. 4, postal code: 16124; city: GENOVA. We set out the following contact details: telephone: 010557111; e-mail address:; Certified e-mail box:

We hereby inform that the body has nominated, pursuant to Article 37 of the GDPR, the Data protection officer, who is contactable through the following channels: GENOA, Via Garibaldi no. 4; e-mail:; telephone 0105572665.


The Marketing Department of the Economy of the Municipality of Genoa, as part of the activity of promoting the economy and attracting investments, will process the personal data collected using mainly IT and telematic methods, under the conditions established by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), in particular for the performance of its public interest tasks, including the purposes of archiving, historical research and analysis for statistical purposes.

In this case, the e-mail address is collected for managing the contact and requests forwarded to the aforementioned management.

The data will be processed exclusively for the aforementioned purposes by the staff of the Municipality of Genoa and by any external collaborators, such as companies, associations or institutions or other subjects expressly appointed as data processors. Outside of these hypotheses, the data will not be disclosed to third parties or disseminated, except in cases specifically provided for by national or European Union law.

The provision of the requested data in the fields marked with an asterisk (or indicated in the form as mandatory) is essential and their failure to enter does not allow you to complete the necessary investigation as required. On the other hand, the release of the data present in the fields not marked with an asterisk (or not indicated in the form as mandatory), although it may be useful to facilitate relations with the Municipality of Genoa, is optional, and failure to indicate them does not affect the completion of the procedure.

The data will be processed for as long as necessary to define what is requested by the user or as required by the procedure and will subsequently be stored in accordance with the rules on the conservation of administrative documentation.

Some data may be published online in the Transparent Administration section as necessary to fulfill the legal obligations provided for by Legislative Decree no. 33/2013 and subsequent amendments - consolidated act on civic access, obligations of publicity, transparency and dissemination of information.

Interested parties have the right to ask the data controller: access to personal data, rectification, cancellation, limitation, opposition to processing and the right to data portability. The specific request to the Data Controller of personal data is submitted through the Data Protection Officer at the Municipality of Genoa (DPO) whose contacts are indicated at the beginning of this information.

The interested parties, having met the conditions, also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor as supervisory authority according to the procedures provided and indicated on the website of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data (