VULNERABILITIES analysis through the introduction of indicators to guide/reorient the actions and measure their effectiveness.
COST/BENEFITS analysis, including inaction costs, to channel the resources and improve the decision-making processes.
TOOLS useful to share at different levels the knowledge about the trends of change and the responses of the different territorial components (social, economic, environmental), with an approach that figures “data” as common shared value.
RESILIENT COMMUNITY intended as a plural system capable to match the citizens needs, generating wealth in a sustainable way, guaranteeing rights and participation and increasing the quality of life of all its components.
WELFARE and related measures able to grant as much coverage as possible for a broad population keeping the focus on the dynamics of current and predictable demographic change.
INTEGRATED PLANNING to promote greater synergy and coherence between the different levels of territory government.
SOCIO-ECONOMIC and SOCIO-CULTURAL FABRIC actions in order to reach a mutual integration and enhancement and promoting the production of social capital and resources.
ORGANIZATIONAL RESILIENCE of institutional processes to innovate and improve the services portfolio – always maintaining the necessary solidity - in a constantly changing and evolving environment.
The SOFT Asset is the widest of the three assets, bringing together the two general areas of Governance and socio-economic systems. Economic impacts, city community and companies make up its qualifying elements.
The choice of partners who could be involved in the issues of Soft Asset is extremely wide: Institutions at different levels; Universities and Research Institutes; Professional and representative associations; companies and enterprises; etc.