High Technology
Genoa’s high-tech industry counts several multinationals in the field of energy, automation, transports and infrastructures with research and development laboratories and a net of companies that employs over 15.000 workers, with a significant presence in the fields of electronics, robotics and biotechnology: Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Leonardo, Esaote, ABB, EET, Bdimensional, Hitachi Rail, Hi-Lex, Danieli Group, Axpo Italy, just to name a few. There are also numerous institutes of the CNR - National Research Council – for Biophysics, Information Technologies, Intelligent Systems for Automation, Marine Sciences and Macromolecules, Information Engineering and Telecommunications.
The University of Genoa (UNIGE) is national excellence and an important interdisciplinary research centre, which operate in close synergy with some of the most innovative enterprises in the city. In the Ligurian capital there are in fact about 2.650 researchers (1.900 IIT; 350 CNR, 400 UNIGE).
The panorama of youth innovative enterprises is also particularly lively and is growing rapidly: 179 start-ups registered, with an increase of 18,54% in the first half 2021
According to the EY Digital Infrastructure Index 2020, Genoa is the first Italian city for digital infrastructure, a position that will be strengthened by the imminent arrival of two large-scale submarine cables, BlueMed and Equinix, that will transform the Ligurian Capital into the new digital European and Mediterranean gateway and into a strategic hub in the global map of submarine cables. This will provide local businesses with a competitive advantage, leading to the creation of skilled jobs and will contribute to the creation of an inclusive digital society.
During the next years Genoa will continue to strengthen its technological sector, with a particular focus on biomedical, mechanical and robotic research:
- Erzelli science and technology park: developed by GHT Spa, will further consolidate its commitment to innovation, not only as a hub of exchange among companies, academics and research centres but also as an urban eco-sustainable site, designed with cutting-edge technology. In the next years, besides the already existing organizations (such as Siemens, Esaote, Ericsson, IIT, Liguria Digital and Talent Garden), the Polytechnic School of Genoa’s University and a private hospital that aims to become a new point of reference for health and research at a national level will join the park.
- RoboIT, the first national centre for robotic technology transfer, will rise near the new S. Giorgio Bridge. Here University, research centres, venture capital funds and companies will cooperate to support the birth of new national robotics experts and developing innovative robotic start-ups, with positive repercussions estimated at over 100 million euros in 4 years, for the creation and development of 50 new companies