- 27 Aug, 2021
The submarine tunnel represents an extraordinary opportunity for Genova. The project is inserted in the Genoese Road system, strengthening it through the basin of the old port, as an alternative to the existing causeway, ensuring direct connection between the western and the eastern city.
Equally important, however, is the possibility to regenerate and requalify the city areas where the tunnel returns to the surface, becoming part of the urban landscape.
4 km long, built by ASPI, the tunnel develops from San Benigno, in the western part of the city, up to the Foce district, to the east, passing below the port basin. It reaches the surface in three points corresponding to three new parks, designed by Studio Renzo Piano Building Workshop. The Lighthouse Park will be the 'new green gateway' towards the urban centre, the Parco della Foce will extend the green areas planned by the Eastern Waterfront northwards, creating the largest park within the city of Genoa. They both will be connected to the Parco delle Mura, which would allow the port area to be linked with the historic walls, thanks to a continuity of green spaces, able to mitigate the sharp division between port and city
The preparatory work began in November 2023 and is expected to last six years.